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Hunt Field Airport, Lander, WY: 4/22/2024 20:53
Visibility10 statute milesclear sky
View 7-Day Forecast
Sky/CloudsSky Clear
Weather [last 24 hours]None
Pressure29.91 in.Hg
3-hour Pressure Tendency0.06791 in.Hg Decreasing or steady, then increasing; or increasing then increasing more rapidly
Dew Point6.1 °F (-14.4 °C)
Relative Humidity14.1 %
Temperature54 °F (12.2 °C)red thermometer
Reading TimeMinimum to Maximum Temperature
6-hr ending 4/22@17:5355.9 °F to 68 °F (13.3 °C to 20 °C)
6-hr ending 4/22@11:5336 °F to 57.9 °F (2.2 °C to 14.4 °C)
6-hr ending 4/22@05:5339.9 °F to 57 °F (4.4 °C to 13.9 °C)
6-hr ending 4/21@23:5353.1 °F to 64.9 °F (11.7 °C to 18.3 °C)
24-hr ending 4/22@00:5325 °F to 66 °F (-3.9 °C to 18.9 °C)
Wind5.75 MPH 5 KT green arrow pointing 315 degrees
Wind FromNorthwest (320 Degrees)
Rolling 24-hr Peak Wind36.8 MPH 32 KT on 4/22@15:30
Rolling 24-hr Peak Wind FromWest/Northwest (300 Degrees)
Twilight Begins2024-04-22T05:51:13
Twilight Ends2024-04-22T20:36:13
METARKLND 230253Z AUTO 32005KT 10SM CLR 12/M14 A2991 RMK AO2 SLP099 T01221144 53023