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Big Piney-Marbleton Airport (AMOS), Big Piney, WY: 4/25/2024 04:53
Visibility10 statute mileslots of clouds
View 7-Day Forecast
Sky/CloudsFew at 5500ft, Scattered at 7500ft, Solid Overcast at 10000ft
Weather [last 24 hours]None [rain began 13:03; rain began 13:03 ended 13:22; rain began 15:20; rain began 15:20 ended 15:11; rain began 19:35 ended 19:41, thunderstorm began 19:40; thunderstorm ended 19:55; thunderstorm ended 20:01 ]
Pressure29.93 in.Hg
Dew Point36 °F (2.2 °C)
Relative Humidity95.8 %
Hourly PrecipitationTrace
Last 24-Hour Precip.Trace
Reading TimePrecipitation
6-hr ending 4/24@23:53Trace
6-hr ending 4/24@17:53Trace
Temperature37 °F (2.8 °C)red thermometer
Wind Chill31.6 °F (-0.232 °C)
Reading TimeMinimum to Maximum Temperature
6-hr ending 4/24@23:5337.9 °F to 57.9 °F (3.3 °C to 14.4 °C)
6-hr ending 4/24@17:5352 °F to 62.1 °F (11.1 °C to 16.7 °C)
6-hr ending 4/24@11:5327 °F to 59 °F (-2.8 °C to 15 °C)
6-hr ending 4/24@05:5326.1 °F to 39 °F (-3.3 °C to 3.9 °C)
24-hr ending 4/25@00:5326.1 °F to 62.1 °F (-3.3 °C to 16.7 °C)
Wind6.9 MPH 6 KT green arrow pointing 67.5 degrees
Wind FromEast/Northeast (060 Degrees)
Rolling 24-hr Peak Wind36.8 MPH 32 KT on 4/24@19:25
Rolling 24-hr Peak Wind FromWest/Northwest (300 Degrees)
Twilight Begins2024-04-25T05:52:31
Twilight Ends2024-04-25T20:44:48
METARKBPI 251053Z AUTO 06006KT 10SM FEW055 SCT075 OVC100 03/02 A2993 RMK AO2 UPB05E08RAB08E35 SLP072 P0000 T00280022