Automation and Electronics puts our employee's safety first. All Automation and Electronics personnel have safety training, and carry appropriate safety gear for their projects. Our mine electrical construction teams carry Mine Safety and Health (MSHA) certification. Our oilfield electricians and technicians have hydrogen sulfide safety training, and carry all appropriate gas detection and self-rescue equipment. Most field personnel also complete the PEC SafeLand USA certification process.
We participate in the Pipeline Training and Assessment Program (PTAP) which is a Department of Transportation (DOT) federally regulated program, established October 27, 1999. This program is designed to ensure that only qualified and knowledgeable personnel perform work on pipeline facilities.

We currently have several employees who are Operator Qualified (OQ), having passed testing requirements and who hold certifications to perform work according to the PTAP program guidelines. We retain to operate and administer a database that is used to maintain employee qualification records. This data base is available to pipeline companies and contractors nationwide for viewing qualifications.