Automation and Electronics, Inc. was founded in 1956 by Mr. William Poe, an electrical engineer with Conoco Oil company. At that time, A&E had one goal in mind... to provide their industrial clientele with high quality products and services. As the company grew, so did its range of goods and services.

We were one of the first producers of Lease Automation Custody Transfer (LACT) units for the oilfield. Automatic local control of processes was introduced in 1967. Remote status indication with radio telemetry was achieved by 1972. Ladder logic programming for our RTUs was introduced in 1978. C programming was first used in our controllers in 1989 and became widespread in the early 1990s. Our Falcon C development system for our 608C controllers first included priority based multi-tasking features in 2002.
The oil industries interest in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) automation led to several product lines in the late 1980s. Current EOR products include water flow monitors, H2O and CO2 injection controllers, flowing well controllers, rod pump controllers, facility units and RTUs. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) programming and integration services started in the late 1990s, and has expanded into many industries. We have also provided Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems for many oilfield, water treatment and industrial plant applications.

Today, our products and fabrication capabilities include substations, pump skids, power racks, electrical control houses, compressor skids, LACT Units with integrated satellite communications, video security systems, and prefabricated process control modular buildings, along with a wide range of board level and integrated electronic equipment. Special purpose offerings include landfill methane measurement and control systems and GPS/GIS technology for enhanced productivity and reduced liability.

Under the direction of President Daney Tanner and CEO Stuart Tanner, we continue to serve industries in many markets, including oilfield automation, pipeline monitoring and control, coal bed methane (CBM) production, mining and power, water and waste water plants and distribution systems. Our physical plant has increased to incorporate most of the city block where we started. In 2013 the electrical, accounting, management, IT and warehouse operations moved into a new two story facility east of our original offices, providing room for ISD and fabrication to expand.
Automation and Electronics is proud of the commitment we have made to ensure that our goods and services meet or exceed the highest industry standards.