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Splash screen

Generic Splash screen HHDT emulation display
Generic Splash screen HHDT emulation display



New AEPOC selection HHDT emulation display
New AEPOC selection HHDT emulation display

If connecting to a new AEPOC, you must configure how to connect to it.


Existing AEPOC selection HHDT emulation display
Existing AEPOC selection HHDT emulation display

Existing AEPOCs can be selected from a list. This action associates a particular set of files on your disk with the EZ-Viewer allowing you to keep units separate.


Establishing a connection on the HHDT emulation display
Establishing a connection on the HHDT emulation display

Connection attempts are made and status is shown as the connection attempt completes.

Normal scrolling display

Scrolling HHDT emulation display
Scrolling HHDT emulation display

Once a connection is established, you can use your keyboard in a similar fashion to the HHDT and use the standard AEPOC menus and navigation to configure the unit and display data.